
On the Scene: The High Line and a Dapper Cellist

This summer a college friend is working at the High Line, a park built on an early twentieth century, elevated railroad on Manhattan's west side. New to New York, I had never heard of the park. My friend was surprised. A bit ashamed, I decided to make my way down to Chelsea and see what the fuss is all about.

I'm glad I did.

The High Line currently has two sections -- one completed in 2009 that sits above the Meatpacking District and another completed this summer that sits above Chelsea. The above is a view from the park looking west in between two buildings in Chelsea. 

Even on a sweltering day like this Sunday, crowds of people stroll through the park.

Some views from the park resemble another country, particularly if you're a Southerner.

Other views remind you that you're in the middle of Manhattan.

Including this view. 

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