
Project #1: Take a Picture of New Year's

Here's to a New Year and the beginning of the "Project" series. What's the "Project" series? It's where our readers (you) can contribute your own creativity. We give you a project idea, you send in your work and, after choosing the most intriguing submissions, we will share the ones we like best under our Reportage section. 

Project #1 is a photography project. Here are the rules:

1. Take a photograph of the most intriguing thing you see or do on New Year's Eve or New Year's Day. (Going to watch the sun rise? Capture it. Throwing a rager on a rooftop? Take a unique picture of it. Going horseback riding on the family farm? Take your camera with you. Keep all images classy, please.) We want to see how different people celebrate the New Year.

2. Email it to us by JANUARY 3, 2012 and include your name, place where you celebrated the new year, and your blog/website.

Email: share[at]thediverseartsproject[dot]com 


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